
Joshua Gold
4 min readSep 5, 2021

“An adult is what people see on the outside, not who the person is on the inside” Joshua G Gold

Here are a few definitions of the word adult
a person who is fully grown or developed.


  1. behave in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially by accomplishing mundane but necessary tasks.

Then I noticed there are three stages of adulthood as follows:

(they added a 4th stage a few minutes ago:) )

The four stages of adulthood examined here include:

  • Early adulthood (ages 22–34).
  • Early Middle Age (ages 35–44).
  • Late Middle Age (ages 45–64).
  • Late adulthood (ages 65 and older).

What struck me as surprising with the 3 or 4 stages is that Early adulthood beings at 22 years old. So we are sending children who are not fully developed to fight our wars. To make decisions about someone else’s and their own lives. Doesn’t that strike you as reckless, if nothing else? We are allowing children to carry guns and drive a 2000 lb. killing machines so that the economy can flourish and people’s lives can be made more accessible. That is a different discussion that I did not intend to get into. Let’s get back to the original thought and why I am writing this blog.

I have always struggled with adulthood and what that means and who I am supposed to be and act like. LOL, I am sure there are plenty of people reading this who are having a good laugh ( those who know me personally). When I think of what an adult is, I think about my parents. After all, to a little boy growing up, they were the adults. LOL. I wonder what they were thinking. Probably the same thing. Maybe not. They probably didn’t have a clue. Not to say that I knew either one of them as people. Not even my father, with whom I worked for close to 15 years. Is an adult a person who goes to work and doesn’t spend any time with their children? Is an adult a person who sets rules of behavior so strict that a child can’t be a child? Is adulthood automatically knowing what is right and not? Does adulthood come with a how-to manual? According to the definitions, an adult is someone who is fully developed. Physically, mentally, emotionally.

Those things happen both environmentally and genetically. Personalities can change as we develop. I think that is a keyword here as we develop and uncover the mature person we want to and can be. But that takes time. That takes life experiences, good and bad, to figure that out. I did not go deep into the four stages of adulthood, but I feel it has to do with brain development and mortality. After I finish writing this, I will go back and check it out. However, it doesn’t have any relevance to this piece. Is an adult a responsible person? Is an adult someone who does not contain and show childish characteristics? Is an adult’s imagination stifled because they have been labeled adults? Do adults always have to be serious? Is that why so many adults use alcohol and other substances to act stupid and silly. So they can relax and be less of an adult?

What if our definition of an adult changed. What if an adult was someone who acted in a way towards other people that was respectful. Not judgemental. Caring, empathetic. Valued other people’s lives as they do their own. What’s if the definition of an adult was doing what is right no matter what. What’s if the purpose of an adult was the ability to love another person. To care for another person. To cherish another person. What if adult was to be responsible for their natural surroundings, to be kind to animals. What if being an adult was about sharing with others?

I would enjoy being that adult. What if an adult was the ability to think freely without fear of someone making fun of them for the idea?

I would enjoy being that kind of an adult, not controlling others, not being afraid of another person walking down the street from you. Not having to be guarded all the time that someone will hurt you or take something away from you. But that you are willing to give to the person in need. I want to be that kind of an adult and live in that kind of a world. How about having a conversation with someone who disagrees with you but respects your right to have an opinion and not try to convince you to change but to understand. I would like to be that adult.

I know what kind of an adult I would like to be at this point in my life. What about you?




Joshua Gold

I am what Yoda is to Luke Skywalker but to entrepreneurs, small business owners, C Suite Exec, professionals, and leaders such as yourself